The conditions of accession

Who can become members of the Association?

-  Management consulting firms and
-  independent management consultants.

The Association may have supporting members. Supporting members are organisations or individuals who take interest in the management consulting profession, agree with and support the objectives of the Association, although their activities cannot be classified as management consulting.

Areas of management consulting:

1. Corporate strategy development
2. Operations Management
3. Informatika
4. Human Resource Management
5. Outsourcing

From the single areas more detailed informations here can be found.

Conditions of Membership:

(1) Independence. Members of the Association must be legal entities or self-employed professionals registered with the Tax Authority. They must be practising management consultants. They must be financially viable and independent to the extent of being able to provide unbiased professional advice to their clients.

(2) Expertise. The consulting provided by the member must be management consulting. Members must be qualified to analyse problems, to give advice and to assist implementation at least in one area of management consulting.

(3) Ethics. Members must declare their commitment to the Code of Ethics of the Association and to the highest professional and ethical standards envisaged therein.

(4) Experience. At least one employee of each member organisation and the independent management consultants must prove to have been in the management consulting business for at least 3 years.

(5) Qualification. Consultants of member organisations must demonstrate a superior level of intellectual and technical knowledge achieved by obtaining a university/college degree (or equivalent education) and collecting sufficient experience in management consulting.

(6) Verification. Organisations with the intention of joining VTMSZ must accept the verification of their capabilities and their conformance prior to admittance to the Association and subsequently, either on a change of status or at certain periods defined by the Association.

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